Arvioinnin tehtävät perusopetuksessa

Espoo International School curriculum

At EIS, students are assessed formatively and summatively.  

Formative assessment is an on-going process, evaluating study skills across subjects. Formative assessment helps students to recognize their progress and provide them with feedback. Students’ working skills are compared to the learning goals and criteria of each grade level, however students may also have individual, differentiated learning goals. Positive pedagogy further supports formative assessment. 

Summative assessment is based on the criteria outlined in the National Core Curriculum. In Middle School, certain summative assessments are also based on the MYP programme’s assessment criteria. The student’s performance and achievement is assessed through the learning goals and the criteria of each grade level. Students and guardians have access to the assessment criteria. 

Each grade level and/or subject group reflects on goals and assessment criteria together. Regular meetings are held to ensure that grade level and/or subject groups reach their assessment and development goals and follow the curriculum. 

Formatiivinen arviointi

Summatiivinen arviointi

Arvioinnin yleiset periaatteet

Espoo International School curriculum

Grade level and subject groups are responsible for ensuring that diverse assessment methods are used. Class teachers, subject teachers and special needs teachers work together  to create differentiated assessment methods for students with learning plans. A summative grade is always based on numerous and varied assessment tasks. Versatile assessment methods, such as inquiry-based learning, projects, presentations, oral tests and written tests are used throughout all grades and subjects. (See subject specific curricula.)

Teachers encourage the use of self- and peer assessment taking into consideration the students’ age and ability. Students are involved in developing assessment criteria together with the teacher. They are given opportunities to reflect on the role of feedback in their learning, and to further work on their skills based on the feedback. Students practise providing feedback to others, which allows them to further reflect on how feedback improves learning. Students are taught that good feedback is specific and constructive.

Oppimisen ja osaamisen arviointi

Espoo International School curriculum

Behaviour at EIS is assessed according to the Behaviour Assessment Criteria provided in the appendix.

Students and guardians have opportunities to participate in the discussion of school expectations. The PTA, along with students and staff, help with the development of the school culture.   

Työskentelyn arviointi

Espoo International School curriculum

In grades 1-9 study skills are assessed as part of each subject, not separately. Grades 1-6 are assessed according to the Finnish National Core curriculum, whereas grades 7-9 are also assessed with the IB Middle Years Program criteria. The MYP is used as a framework through which the Finnish National Core curriculum can be implemented. It is used to diversify assessment and inform students of their progress and development. 

Subject-specific criteria and other information about the MYP at EIS can be found from our school website

Assessment of elective subjects

EIS follows Espoo City guidelines in elective subject assessment. In 4th to 6th grade elective subject assessment is developed together with the students. Students receive continuous, realistic and constructive feedback. Feedback helps students to be aware of their progress, development, and achievements. The electives change on a yearly basis. 

6.4.4 Assessment at transition points

The two main transition phases are when students move from 2nd to 3rd grade and from 6th to 7th grade. At these transition points,  assessment discussions are held with the teacher, student and guardians to review the student’s progress and discuss their achievements and development needs. Self-evaluation is emphasised during the assessment discussions. Transition to the next phase of learning is discussed, including expectations for behaviour and independent learning. Together, the student, teacher and guardians look at how the criteria and learning goals have been met and set future goals. 

Käyttäytymisen arviointi

Opinnoissa eteneminen perusopetuksen aikana

Opinnoissa eteneminen vuosiluokittain

Eteneminen oman opinto-ohjelman mukaan

Yksittäistä oppilasta koskeva vuosiluokkiin sitomaton opiskelu

Koko koulua tai opetusryhmää koskeva vuosiluokkiin sitomaton opiskelu

Lukuvuoden päätteeksi arvioitavat yhteiset oppiaineet ja valinnaiset aineet

Perusopetuksen päättöarviointi

Päättöarvosanan muodostaminen

Erityistä tukea saavan oppilaan päättöarviointi

Arvioitavat yhteiset oppiaineet päättöarvioinnissa

Taide- ja taitoaineiden oppimäärien arviointi päättöarvioinnissa

Valinnaisten aineiden arviointi päättöarvioinnissa

Johonkin oppiaineeseen painottuva opetus ja päättöarviointi

Poissaolojen vaikutukset arviointiin

Arvioinnin uusiminen ja oikaisu


Sanalliset arviot ja numeroarvosanat todistuksissa




Perusopetuksen päättötodistus

Erityinen tutkinto ja siitä annettavat todistus

Paikallisesti päätettävät asiat
